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This information on the bag is my deceased grandfather, from Quebec, Canada. He died when my mother was only 4 yrs old . She has no memory of him. We have no photographs and very little information about him. This is very interesting to find that you have one of his only personal belongings
I have few informations about your grandfather...
He was soldier in the 17th duke of york regiment (reconnaissance unit of the 3rd canadian infantry division).
He was one of the first canadians soldiers who have been killed for the battle of Caen. I bought this bag near Caen in 2004.
Do you have more informations?
I only know my grandfather drowned in the ocean in July 9, 1941, sadly my mother never had the chance to know her father or ever see a photo of him. He was born in Montreal, Quebec and was killed during WW2 in 1941 at 31 yrs of age leaving 2 children and a wife. I Can I ask you how much you paid for this bag ? Do you still have this bag and did it include any photographs or items in the bag ? @gmail.com is my email adddress
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